Printing Colours in the Terminal

Print ANSI escape codes in order to print colours in the terminal.

More specifically, print a string in the format: <prefix><code>%s, where the prefix is the code for the control character “escape”. Some example prefixes:

JavaScript \x1b[
Python \033[
Java \u001B[
Bash \033[0;
PowerShell [char]0x1b + '[' (or in one string via a subexpression operator: "$([char]0x1b)[" )

esc is encoded in octal in Python and Bash (hence \0) but in hexadecimal in JavaScript (\x), Java (\u for unicode), and PowerShell (0x).

In Bash, use printf or echo -e to allow the backslash escapes.

The colour codes are as follows.

Colour FG BG
Black 30m 40m
Red 31m 41m
Green 32m 42m
Yellow 33m 43m
Blue 34m 44m
Magenta 35m 45m
Cyan 36m 46m
White 37m 47m
Colour FG BG
Bright Black (gray) 90m 100m
Bright Red 91m 101m
Bright Green 92m 102m
Bright Yellow 93m 103m
Bright Blue 94m 104m
Bright Magenta 95m 105m
Bright Cyan 96m 106m
Bright White 97m 107m
Reset 0m
Bold 1m
Dim 2m
Italic (not widely supported) 3m
Underline 4m
Blink 5m, 6m
Strikethrough 9m


// JavaScript
console.log('\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m', 'cyan');

Note that colour can also be printed in PowerShell terminals via Write-Host and the -ForegroundColor and -BackgroundColor parameters.

On ANSI escape codes Source on bash