netsh for WiFi
Get plaintext password of current/past networks
netsh wlan show profiles * key=clear
netsh wlan show profile <network_name> key=clear
Connect to/disconnect from WiFi:
netsh wlan disconnect
netsh wlan connect [name=]<string> [[ssid=]<string>] [[interface=]<string>]
Show info (a selection from netsh wlan show
show all - Shows complete wireless device and networks information.
show drivers - Shows properties of the wireless LAN drivers on the system.
show interfaces - Shows a list of the wireless LAN interfaces on the system.
show networks - Shows a list of networks visible on the system.
show profiles - Shows a list of profiles configured on the system.
show wirelesscapabilities - Shows the wireless capabilities of the system
show wlanreport - Generate a report showing recent wireless session information.